The game i were making on 2k3 won't be developed by me for some time
The official guide is incomprehensible to me and i couldn't get it to run normally on Newgrounds
I don't plan on releasing files, But at least i can show you area you spawn in
I will focus on ironing out shalashaska.wmv for MD24 and if i'm going to return to my "Stone Forest"
I may use MZ or MV. I don't even have progress for 3d model because i canned it for better times too
I don't like the tendency but at least i can focus on animation and try to make it better
I guess that's what i get for impulsively buying 2k3 because i can play my own games easy on ps vita
And starting 100th side project, i still have some things out of my control, and i really want but can't start Iscariotes 4
On this pretty sad note:
Thanks for supporting me people. Sorry if you waited this