A Captain! The CapCorp ruler and shadow company representative!
I sure do hope he is going to have a dialogue with Egeon!
1 minute and 21 seconds are done
I'm aiming release april-june
Why not madness day?
Because of me being over 18 years old russian man, and in russia you have to go to army for 1 year
But i still have time educating in college which extends up to june (i will warn just in case)
I just hope it won't be too boring, and i won't sign contract papers (that's basically death sentence for me. and i don't plan dying in ukrain)
considering all of it i will need to find job afterwards
I really hope that adult life won't kill my hobby of animation after all that's how lots and lots of animators stop
on the good note
i'm learning how to draw, so i drew ostrich